Invitation to the Exhibition to Commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the Baltic Way Added 2014-10-03 You are welcome to attend the opening of the joint exhibition of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia “KELIAS/CEĻŠ/KETT”, dedicated to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the Baltic Way. The exhibition will take place on 10th October, 2014 at...
LNS JOTVINGIS is conducting a port visit to Latvia with Standing NATO Mine Counter-Measures Group ONE Added 2014-08-18 On August 15-17 Standing NATO Mine Counter-Measures Group ONE (SNMCMG1) currently under a six-month command of Commander Giedrius Permeneckas of the Lithuanian Navy  conducted a port visit to Riga, Latvia.
Lithuanian and Polish ambassadors took part in the commemoration of Salaspilis battle Added 2014-08-18 On 16 August H.E. Ričardas Degutis, Ambassador of Lithuania to Latvia and  H.E.  Jerzy Marek Nowakowski,   Ambassador of Poland to Latvia, SNMCMG1 Commander, the representatives of SNMCMG1 staff, Commanders of the LNS command...
Lithuania elected to Implementation Committee (Espoo Convention), Belarusian NPP confirmed to fail comply with requirements of Espoo Convention Added 2014-06-10 On 2-5 June in Geneva, Parties to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention) positively evaluated experience and work of Lithuanian institutions in strengthening the Convention – Lithuania was...
The President Dalia Grybauskaitė: „Experience of world Lithuanian business leaders and innovators is very important“ Added 2014-06-06 Less than a month left until 6th World Lithuanian economic forum. The final program aspects are being laid down also all names of the speakers are revealed. Already on 7th of July at conference centre of „Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva“ in Vilnius...
Lithuania and Latvia discussed possibilities of economic cooperation in the Baltic Sea Added 2014-05-27 On May 27 in Vilnius the first meeting of intergovernmental working groups of the Republic of Lithuania and the Republic of Latvia met to discuss economic cooperation in the Baltic Sea, including drafting of Economic Cooperation Agreement in the...
The Lithuanian paintings exhibition is opened in Riga Added 2014-05-20 On 20 May the Lithuanian Paintings Exhibition „The Baltic. The Sea. Lithuania“, dedicated to the commemoration of the 25-th Anniversary of the Baltic Way was opened in Riga in the gallery of the Latvian Artists' Union (Ryga, 11. Novembra Krastmala...
LATVIAN LIFE SCIENCES COMPANIES ARE INVITED TO ATTEND LIFE SCIENCES BALTICS 2014 FORUM IN VILNIUS, LITHUANIA Added 2014-05-14 On 14th of May, at the Embassy of Lithuania in Latvia, a presentation was held on Life Sciences Baltics 2014 Forum, which will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania on 10th-12th of September. Latvian Life Science businesses, enterprises and academic...
SAVE THE DATE: WORLD LITHUANIAN ECONOMIC FORUM 2014 Added 2014-04-30 Date: 2014 July 7 Location: Vilnius, Lithuania Lithuanians from all around the globe will gather in Vilnius for the sixth World Lithuanian Economic Forum (WLEF) on  July 7. Event participants will not only discuss economic and social...
ACCORD BETWEEN THE POLITICAL PARTIES REPRESENTED IN THE SEIMAS OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA Added 2014-04-04 Accord between the political parties represented in the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania on strategic guidelines for the foreign, security and defence policy of the Republic of Lithuania for 2014–2020 could be found here.